- Tittle: Scores & Tips
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Application that shows the resutlt of football and cricket games in real time giving the user daily tips in order to help them place bets.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, Playfab for networking and user aunthentication, API-FOOTBALL, In app purchase.
- Availability: Public.
- Used API: https://www.api-football.com/
- Year: 2023.
- Tittle: Booble Zombie Shooter
- Role: Development of various game mechanics.
- Summary: Reformulated single player bubble shooter game.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#.
- Availability: Published. (Developed for a client)
- Year: 2023.

- Tittle: ansiOSO
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Application that measures the anxiety level of students during the test´s season.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#.
- Availability: Private. (Developed for a client school project)
- Year: 2022.
- Tittle: Oasis
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Send a message in the mobile desktop to open an electrical gate of a residential complex.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Android studio, javascript.
- Availability: Private. (Developed for a client)
- Year: 2023.

- Tittle: Céntimos
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Calculates automatically the exchange value of VES to USD in two different rates.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, Webscrapping, API calling, One Signal.
- Availability: Public. (Published in Google Playstore)
- Year: 2024.
- Tittle: MSI
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Landing page and education programs sell and distribution site for the company MSI.
- Type: Website.
- Tech: WordPress, Hostinger.
- Availability: Public. (Developed for a client)
- Year: 2023.

- Tittle: contraEnseña
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Learning application for kids, test the children knowledge about colors.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#.
- Availability: Private. (Developed for a client)
- Year: 2022.
- Tittle: Quadratic Calculator Solver
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Quadratic equation automatic calculator.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal, AdMob.
- Availability: Public.
- Year: 2021.

- Tittle: Fractions Calculator
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions automatically.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal, AdMob.
- Availability: Public.
- Year: 2021.
- Tittle: Sarrus Method Calculator
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Get the determinant of a 3×3 matrix using the sarrus method.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal, AdMob.
- Availability: Public.
- Year: 2021.

- Tittle: Area Calculator
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Get the area and perimeter from a variety of shapes automatically.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal, AdMob.
- Availability: Public.
- Year: 2021.
- Tittle: Psicosis
- Role: Help with the in app purchase implementation.
- Summary: Psychological horror mobile game.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, In app purchase unity plugin (IAP).
- Availability: Public. (Consultant help)
- Year: 2021.

- Tittle: Just Pop
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Mobile game, touch the ballons as fast as you can.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Game maker studio.
- Availability: Not available. (ask for private APK if desired)
- Year: 2019.
- Tittle: Just Draw
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Free drawing application.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal ,AdMob.
- Availability: Private. (In publishing process)
- Year: 2020.

- Tittle: Just Tap
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Mobile game, just tap the button.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal ,AdMob.
- Availability: Not available. (ask for private APK if desired)
- Year: 2019.
- Tittle: Golosinas Candy Basket
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Mobile game for golosinas.ve company.
- Type: Mobile application for Android.
- Tech: Unity, C#, One Signal ,AdMob, In app purchase.
- Availability: Not available.
- Year: 2020.

- Tittle: Oceano Concessionary
- Role: Full project development (UI, Frontend and Backend)
- Summary: Administrator software for a car concessionary using data base.
- Type: Windows application.
- Tech: C#, Visual Studio Windows forms, SQL DB.
- Availability: Private (Developed for a client)
- Year: 2021.